Hi, I’m Kiyomi…

I’m a Certified Conversion Copywriter and Resume Writer for people with a passion and vision they want to share with the world.

Maybe like me, ideas of service and connection have always been important to you. But maybe it hasn’t always been clear how to do the thing that you love, that you’re good at, that you want to share, and still pay the bills!

Growing up, I dreamed of making a difference, living a life of service, doing something meaningful. I was raised in a biracial, multigenerational, military family, so ideas of care, community, and service were everywhere around me. While I knew military service was not the right fit for my temperament – hello, panic attack on the way to the recruiting office! – I didn’t quite know how to market what I was good at, what I knew could help people.

I got my degree in cultural anthropology, which is the study of human culture. Then I worked with international and military students at Carnegie Mellon University and went on to serve in Peace Corps as a small business consultant in Central West Africa. After that, I worked for almost a decade in nonprofit administration, and became a certified HR professional and diversity and inclusion practitioner. But balancing the challenges of looming burnout and the pandemic shutdown left me exhausted and at loose ends.

I was serving – but I hadn’t yet found the right words to connect my knowledge, skills, and expertise with the needs I could best meet, and the people I most wanted to help.

I believe we all have a powerful story that can meet a need in our community that no one else’s can.

Customers don’t just want to make a purchase, even one that meets a need. The experiences we’ve had, those hard-won lessons and victories, are why people want to work with us – other real live people with human experiences on the other side of a sales offering.

As humans we are storytellers in community. It’s how we build relationships and how we build trust – and how we know where to get the resources we need!

We build connection through our stories. Whether that is a business owner sharing their passion with a customer, or a resume demonstrating how an individual and employer can create a next step together, it’s all about building connection with our stories.

Everyone has a story.

But not everyone is good with words and not everyone enjoys writing. I started Bricolage Words to help business owners and professionals tell their stories, to better communicate the value they bring and connect with their ideal clients.

We don’t always get everything lined up the way we would ideally want. Bricolage means making something beautiful with what is at hand. It invites us to get creative, and means we still always have exactly what we need. Our stories, our passion, our experience are the right components and exactly enough to connect with the people who most need our products and services.

As a certified conversion copywriter, I help people to meet needs and do work that they love.

Instinct says that the work or product will speak for itself, or to dress it up with catch phrases and jargon, obscuring the true value of the offer. Confidence comes in knowing the value of what we bring, how it can help, and being able to share that with another person.

I have spent years working and communicating across cultures, working as a professional writer, and helping leaders and small business owners communicate their value.

If you want to grow your business and expand your reach, you need the right words to shape your passion, commitment, and expertise into the right story to connect with your ideal customers.

You know you are creating value and helping people, but you just don’t have the time to create impactful web content, blog posts, email sequences, or the other things you know you should be doing to stay in touch with your clients – and traditional marketing just isn’t building the authentic connection and growth that you want – click below to connect with me and see if we’re a good fit to work together.

As a Certified Copywriter, I can help you:

  • Identify the right stories for your Home and About pages, so you can connect with your ideal customer.
  • Understand how your service fits into your customers’ busy lives, so you can shape your offers to meet their needs.
  • Define and share what sets you apart from other businesses doing the same or similar work, to turn your ideal customers into lifelong customers.

Being open, honest – even vulnerable! – can feel unnecessary, or unprofessional. But we know that people want to work with other real live human beings who they can trust to have their back. Sharing a little bit of our stories and how we got to where we are, is the most effective way to build that trust. If you have questions, I’m here to help you understand how stories will lead to business growth!

Bricolage Words is a queer, minority, cis woman owned and operated business that respects and celebrates the differing perspectives and experiences of all identities, including race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, neurodivergence, religion, and socio-economic background. Our stories are what make us human and are our primary means of fostering connection and community. As a feminist business owner, I believe in opportunities, options, and alignment. If you share similar values and want to connect with clients who do the same, I’d love to help you share your voice and your work.

Sound like something you want? Click below!